Monday, October 21, 2013

.:Thanks to buat yg udah beli barang:.

THx to Anaks3mut 
Thx to Newx
Thx to Frezer Kkfahmi - Via ATM
barter to Rithwal Thx bro
Thx to Yote (trade via ATm)
(Thx to Mikuvenn)
(trade via ATM thx to Chulushiang ) thx bro
Thx to GarrierThx to Eilenna
Thx to Xeldox
Thx to Rebornxxx
Thx to Kintao0
Thx to Coolm3t30r4cool

Thx to Mrht - Via ATM
Thx to Geminiie - Via ATM
Thx to Aludra - Via ATM
Thx to Cruzterz - Via ATM
Thx to Damdut - Via ATM  
Thx to Callene - Via ATM